About Me

Hey there 👋, I'm Bruno, currently in high school and have been into programming for the past 3 to 4 years. I enjoy working on both frontend and backend projects — basically, anything tech-related.

Outside of coding, I'm a regular at the gym. It's a great way to stay active and clear my head. Music is a big part of my life too; I'm always listening to something.

Feel free to explore and check out my projects and blog.

Programming Experience

I started my coding adventure with the basics: HTML and CSS. It was the perfect introduction to web development, and I quickly got hooked on building and designing websites.

Next up was JavaScript, which opened up a whole new world of interactivity for me. Learning JavaScript made my web projects more dynamic and engaging.

Along the way, I dipped my toes into a few other languages like Rust, Lua, and C#. It was a cool experience to explore these different languages and understand their unique features.

But my real game-changer was discovering TypeScript. It's now my go-to language, especially for projects involving larger codebases. TypeScript offers the best of both worlds: the familiarity of JavaScript combined with the added safety of static typing.

I'm still working with TypeScript most of the time I love it.


Check out the rest of my website, the blog, and my projects.